donderdag 14 juni 2012

Will and the people

Op 16 juni 2012 stijgt Will and the people van 11 naar 9 met Lion In The Morning Sun. De groep brak door dankzij steun van Radio3FM (Megahit) en hun optreden op Pinkpop 2012.

De song Lion In The Morning Sun kwam bij toeval tot stand. Zanger Will zou rond het middaguur in de studio zijn met zijn keyboardspeler. Hij was er niet, omdat hij in de zon lag te luieren. Daar stond hij dan, uren later, met zijn leeuwenmuts op. Waar was je in godsnaam? Well, I was lying in the morning sun. Vijf minuten later stond het liedje op papier.

Will And The People bestaat uit Will Rendle, James Keo, Jim Ralphs, Charlie Harman en Jamie Rendle. De groep bestaat sinds 2010. Het vijftal komt uit Brington, een dorpje ten westen van Londen. Hun debuutplaat heet Will And The People. De groep wordt geïnspireerd door o.a. Bob Marley & The Wailers, Radiohead, Supertramp, The Doors, The Police en Jerry Lee Lewis.

Will and the people - Lion In The Morning Sun
I am a man you see and one day i will be,
A lion in the morning sun
Lazy pulling daizies at doobie past three,
Lion in the morning sun
One day i'll get fat and sit in my chair,
Lying in the morning sun
Making the most of my full head of hair
Lion in the morning sun.
What about all the grass between your toes?
It's a part of me and a part of you.. la la la la
Where are the ladies?
With all the zebra gravy for a drink.
Woa wow wow leave me where i'm having fun!
Thats lying in the morning sun
And tell me when the day is done,
Coz i'm a lion in the morning sun
The main on my head gives power to my brain,
Lion in the morning sun
The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain,
Lion in the morning sun
Shaking my tail like the panthers at night,
Lying in the morning sun
Growling at dogs just to give them a fright,
Lion in the morning sun.
I could be king and sing like a fatso for what it's worth,
From the planet earth in an operahouse,
but i'm a lion, and i ain't scared of no mouse
Woa wow wow leave me where i'm having fun!
Thats lying in the morning sun
And tell me when the day is done,
Coz i'm a lion in the morning sun 
I feel hungry
please just don't come near me.
I'll be sleeping
So please don't wake me..
I feel hungry
please just don't come near me.
I'll be sleeping
So please don't wake me..
Woa wow wow leave me where i'm having fun!
Thats lying in the morning sun
And tell me when the day is done,
and i'll be lying in the morning sun
like a lion in the morning sun
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Leave me where i'm having fun
Yea yea yea i'm a lion in the morning sun!!!!

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